Thursday, 26 November 2009
Logos... Yes again

Wednesday, 25 November 2009
The Shuttle service

Part of our service is helping out the elderly people, this is just an example of where the shuttle service and where it would go and stop. We were thinking that the service could be available during week days and running 3 times a day first at 11, second at 14 and final at 17.
Trying fonts

These are a few fonts which we thought it was possibly good for our service, the ones we prefer are marked with the red square. What do you think?
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Work Plan (pt of Task 5)
Week ending on 22nd November
- Finalising Research and Brief
- Mapping the system of the service
- Identity design of the service
- Design of Interface
- Information Design
- Testing Design/Service
- Final A3 Boards
- Submitting
Science (pt.2 of Task 6)
The other thing I was very impressed at the science museum was the airplanes section, it really makes me wonder how fast technology is moving and what now is new probably not in a very distant future will be material for museum, scary!
it was there where I saw what would probably be the best technical solution for our RSA project. It was a table where you could touch anywhere and drag those things into a bag. To be honest the content of it didn't really interest me much, but the technology on the other hand was amazing. As I see there is this projector on the celling which is full of infra reds and that captures the touch on the table which is also sensitive.
The place wasn't very dark at all, so the only concern I have with this is the shadow that is caused by the projector. apart from that this is definitely the best technology for Mood Food.
Diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds (pt. 1 of Task 6)
What impressed me the most in the first instance was the amount of jewellery that was in that place, and the size of each diamond and rubies, and they were everywhere, on game boards, on shoes, on clubs, seats - perhaps if I didn't know any history i would think that old India was filthy rich country.
But the Maharaja exhibition goes far beyond the amazing jewellery (by the way, what was that last necklace form Cartier? wow!) extremely informative and full of paintings each with so much detail and history behind it, so were the objects being displayed everything had a meaning and was symbol to represent either power, status, identity and favour.
The second part is not as... cheerful, when the British enters in the Indian history you sort a feel a sad atmosphere, and how their culture was changing, the paintings from before, which they all had the same technique and style started to look a lot different and a bit more western.
I did think it tries to finish on a positive note with princess selling their goods, perhaps trying to change a bit the vast difference that existed in their cast system.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Mood Board (Design for Business)

This is the mood board for WeDo. I'll try to explain why i choose each picture to represent the spirit and essence of my business. I will start from the top left and work clockwise.
The first one I'm trying to convey the message that we are multifunctional and sexy at the same time and we don't take ourselves too seriously.
The second photo says a lot, striking easy to recognise and trying to runaway from the conventional, the two first pictures also shows that we are quite fashion aware.
The third photo, a fish out of water? Not in my eyes, what a brave little fish that is, not afraid to jump out of its comfort zone!
Jump, and take risks! That's the first impression I'm trying to achieve with this photo, there's also an underlying message of dreams and unconsciousness which is vital to a creative business to be in touch with.
Love this photo! But this is not the only reason why i put it there, so far WeDo is not much, but this photo has a feeling of something that can be quite simple it can become something very powerful and beautiful.
Not afraid to take on a challenge. The horse in this photo is seen as force to be reckoned and the woman seems ready to ride on that.
Hope now it is a bit more clear what the photos and WeDo means.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Task 3 - Contacting the Community
It's been very difficult to get an actual response from the supermarkets, I tried to approach Sainsbury's, Waitrose and Tesco and nothing really happened, while the first two told me to have a look at the website, the latter one, well I'm still waiting for my friend to come back with some answers from the questionnaire I sent him.
I also tried to talk with the Portuguese community that lives here in Vauxhall, there are many aspects that suggest that they have a strong local community here, from little sandwich shops and big restaurants to local supermarket shops that sells brazilian and Portuguese products. Again very hard to get information from the people who work there, they all seem to be very busy as i tried to talk to hem, until one very nice brazilian guy gave some answers saying that most people who shop there are either Brazilian or Portuguese from all ages, but they also have the occasional English customer who is usually attached dome how to one of the nationalities.
They don't see the big supermarkets as threat because they can offer what other supermarkets don't, specialised products and the more personal experience. When asked if they would like to have some sort of relationship with the supermarkets, he said that not up to him but he could see as a good turn for business as it could increase their exposure.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Shall I worry about budgets?
Well it seems like I shouldn't, after reading that supermarket major chain Sainbury's has a profit of over £300 million. Check the article.
It just seems like the recession might be a good a thing for the supermarkets, after all it is a good way to save money eating in instead of going out for expensive meals out in town. Definitely a plus side!
It just seems like the recession might be a good a thing for the supermarkets, after all it is a good way to save money eating in instead of going out for expensive meals out in town. Definitely a plus side!
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Supermarkets Positioning (Part of task 2)

With these diagrams, I'm trying to identify, which supermarket is the most likely to appeal to my product, so far called 'Mood Food'.
The product, could be as a iPhone app and also available as information booths (similar to what you have around London for tourists) the idea is to offer what most supermarkets website's do available in store for a more pleasant shopping experience. It would also offer information on what's around on the community and places to go, specially if you are new on the community.
Here is a logo i did for the service.

Agency (Business for Design)

After some careful consideration, I decided that the best name for my agency and that represents, what I want my agency to be is 'WeDo'.
I'd quite like some opinion on which logo is the best one.
The agency I was thinking that would be positioned close to VCCP, they are famous for being very brand aware and coming up with different and catchy advertising, always aiming for a personal and proactive approach.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Logos (Design for Business)
These are the logos I came up so far for my agency, which would probably be an advertising agency, specially BMad.
WeDo is definitely my favourite name, as I feel is a brand that can grow into different areas of design and media.
WeDo is definitely my favourite name, as I feel is a brand that can grow into different areas of design and media.

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